Saturday, November 7, 2009

New beginning..

'I love you',
Those three words had my life in them.. Or so, I thought.
Just the thought of losing you used to make me feel so weak, so fragile, so vulnerable. I thought I couldn't live without you, I thought I'd die if you ever let go of my hand. But guess what, my dear.. I'm still breathing, I'm still here, and my heart is in one piece.

'It's over'..
My heart sank as soon as those words were spoken, my lips started to quiver. Was I heartbroken? Not even close. Sure, I thought I was. I thought my heart would shatter into a million pieces at the mere thought of losing you, but it didn't.
I could say I still needed you, but I'd be lying, because I don't.
How could I be so heartless, you ask?
My dear, have you forgotten how you mistreated me?
Have you forgotten how you took me for granted?
Need I remind you how you left me alone?
Has it ever crossed your mind that I have feelings too?
No, I guess not..
But none of that even matters anymore.
In fact, for that, I thank you. You've helped me grow as a person, and you've showed me what it's like in the real world.
I've been living in my fantasy world for so long, I've forgotten what it's like to be broken. I've forgotten what it's like to be lonesome.
But now I know, that every fairy-tale has an ending. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning..



  1. Wow!!
    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! <333 (;

  2. Thiss Is Amaziiiinn <3
    I Loveee It <3

  3. PromisingTheMoon;
    Awwh, thanks alot :*!
    Glad you liked it <33

    It loves you back :*


  4. O.O amaaaaazinggggggggggggggggg !!!
    i likee i likeeee !!

  5. yay, glad you did <3

    thnx for passing by :*


  6. about ur story guys .. it S U C K S!
    & Btw whats with " an S " its not even a vowel..:/! such a waste !

  7. Anonymous:
    Your comment didn't make sense..
    Anyways, if it was a total waste, maybe next time you shouldn't bother reading. 'Cause frankly I don't care whether you like it or not. I don't live to please you ;p

    & Thanks to your comment you wasted both my time & yours. Good night.

