Monday, November 16, 2009

The Diary of Sara Belle - Part 4

Enjoy ;*

Don't forget your comments hehe ;)


As Sara and Abdullah walked through the hall, heading toward the principal's office, they couldn't help but notice everyone was staring at them, awed, what could possibly be going on?

"I smell trouble", Abdullah whispered to Sara.

"If trouble smells like Mariam then I smell it too!" Said Sara.

They both thought about what Sara had said for a moment, stared at eachother silently, then burst into laughter.
Finally, they arrived at the principal's office, and the smiles just vanished from their faces.

"You go in first!!" Said sara.

"Me?! I thought it was ' ladies first then the dog follows ' !!" Abdullah complained.

"Fine we'll go in together ! You knock" Sara said. "

Abdullah knocked on the door and just as soon as the principal opened the door, Sara took two steps back.

"Hah, sucker" Sara whispered.

"Sara I need to speak with you first." Said principal Phil Migrave.

"Whose the sucker now?" Abdullah whispered, and gave Sara an evil smile.

Sara sighed and stepped in, then Abdullah shot her a friendly smile, implying 'Good Luck'.

Sara sighed, gulped, then walked into the principal's office, to find none other than the Wicked Witch of the West herself, Mariam.

"Hi Sara" said maryam with an evil smile on her face.

"Hi" Sara smiled her paranoid smile, and thought to herself "I knew it."

"Do you know why I asked you here Ms. Sara Belle?" Asked the principal, angrily.

"Because I've been an excellent student and you wish to reward me?" Sara joked, innocently.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to joke your way out of this one Ms. Belle" Replied the principal, even angrier now.

"Look at my ancle!!" Exclaimed Mariam. "I'll probably be scarred for life!!" She overreacted, as usual.

Her ancle had a dark purple bruise, but the principal was on Mariam's side either way. Sara looked at the bruise and said,

"Wasn't that from football practice?" Sara replied, confused.

"NO IT WASN'T." Mariam quickly shot back.

"That liar.." Sara thought to herself.

"Not only have you hurt this poor innocent girl, but you've also damaged school property! Not to mention skipping class. I'm very disappointed in you Sara." Said principal Phil Migrave, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"But--B-b-ut" Sara stuttered.

"NO BUTS." The principal interrupted.

Sara was confused, she never damaged any school property. She'd never even written on her school desk before.

"Mariam and her brainless brother must have said something" She thought to herself.

"I'm calling your parents." The principal interrupted Sara's thoughts.

The principal started dialing her father's phone number, Sara knew this wasn't going to be pretty. Her parents wouldn't understand if she had explained, they'd blame her irregardless of her situation. Sara froze, shut her eyes, and hoped they'd go easy on her.

"Hm, no answer." Said the principal.

Sara sighed with relief.

"I guess I'm going to have to call your mother."

Sara was slightly less terrified now, her mother understood her, but she herself was afraid of her husband, so she stood by him no matter what.

"It's ringing" said the principal, raising his finger as a sign to wait.

"Ah, Hello Mrs. Al X" Said the principal.

Sara held her breath, she felt as though her heart was going to drop from her chest to her feet.

"Hello, you have reached the Al X residence, we're not here at the moment, please leave a message after the beep." *BEEP*

"Oh, its just the answering machine.. What a shame, I'll just leave a message." Said the principal after realizing Sara's mom hadn't answered.

"Dammit, that old man never seems to give up!!" Sara thought to herself..

"Mr. and Mrs. Al X, this is principal Phil Migrave. I've tried contacting you through Mr. Al X's cell phone, but no answer. I need to talk to you about your daughter's bad behaviour lately. Please get back to me when you can." *BEEP*


Sara calmed down when she heard the answering machine. The principal continued with his lectures, and Sara stared, just pretending to care.. Then the principal called in Abdullah, and gave him the exact same lecture. Sara felt like she was in math class, like her brain was turning to mush. She could tell that Abdullah was just as bored as she was. Abdullah looked as though he was trying so hard not to fall asleep. Ofcourse, the principal called his parents as well, and they both received a week's worth of detention.

The principal walked Sara and Abdullah to the detention hall. As they walked away, Mariam was giving them looks, implying that she won.

"I hate her" Sara thought to herself.

Abdullah looked at Sara and smiled, "I know, i hate her too."

Sara was so confused, but she let it go. Abdullah always understood Sara. He could read her mind just by looking at her. He could figure out when her heart was shattered even though it was hidden behind her perfect smile.
When Sara and Abdullah finally got to the detention hall. Abdullah opened the door, allowing Sara to go in first. He was such a gentleman. Sara smiled, and walked in. She looked up, gasped, and dropped her books. Abdullah was confused, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the hall. What could she have possibly seen?


  1. what did she seeeeeeeeee? is it the hottie? what??? what????

    mariam needs to be punished and her punishment should be cleaning toilets lol

  2. OMG !!! sho stwaaaa XD
    what did she seeeee :p

    next post plzzz ;**

  3. You're both gnna have to wait and see till the next post :| ! tum tum tummm :P

    Thanks for passin byyy :* !


  4. I just found ur blog and i have to say i love it! so cuuuteee;** can't wait for more

    -New Silent Reader

  5. Anonymous - Yay ! <3 Glad you loved it ;* nd thnx for passing by ;)


  6. Hey. I've only read these 4 chapters up until now. But being the critque and fellow writer I am, I coudln't resist pointing out a few things.
    Isn't a diary supposed to be from First-person point of view? I write in my diary daily, and I find it EXTREMELY weird to refer to my self in third-person point of view...
    After reading your profile, it's clear to me that your from UAE (Yay), however, you didn't specify the setting in the story. Is it in UAE? Because I don't know any mix schools. [ But that is sometimes what's writing is all about; making stuff up].
    You have some spelling errors here and there, so you might want someone to proof-read your chapters before you sumbit them.
    Also, some grammatical mistakes caught my eye.
    On the other hand, the plot is nice and interesting.
    I am in no way trying to offend you. I just beleive that criticism makes us all better writers. =)
    Keep on writing,
    Fellow Writer.
