Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Diary of Sara Belle - Part 21

Sigh.. Yes, yes.. We know. It's been MONTHS. We are really, truly, VERY VERY SORRY!! Especially to those who kept tweeting/asking us very often! We're bad writers :( Forgive us?
Here's an exciting part to make it up to you :*


*Sara's Perspective*

Have I lost my mind?
I pondered for about an hour..
I must be mad.. But I could feel the adrenaline rush through my veins. I need to do this. It's now or never..

I walked over to the departure gate and put on my most angelic face.

"Excuse me, sir" I said, batting my eyelashes.
"How may I help you?" He responded sweetly.
"There must be some sort of mistake! My ticket says Madrid, but I'm supposed to be going to Australia!" I tried to keep a straight face on, but I have to admit, I was positive he wouldn't buy any of this. I'm way too old to make such a mistake, and trying so hard to change that mistake just proved how foolish I was acting..
Though a part of me was still determined to get this going, so I just nodded and smiled.

The man looked unsure; like he'd doubted my words... Of course! Why wouldn't he..
"There's nothing I can do, I'm sorry." He said.

Darn. I guess I was stupid to even try.
My innocent girl act wasn't so much an act anymore. I felt disappointed, crushed. I held back my tears and walked away.

He stared at me as I trailed off..

I sat back down, and stared at the clock..
A few minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I felt the blood stop rushing, and I caught my breath.

"Maybe we could make an exception" The man said. "There's an empty seat in economy. Are you interested?"
"I'll take it! Thank you!!" I said, excitedly.

*Abdullah's Perspective*

"W-where's Sara?" I stuttered.
Her parents stared at me blankly, almost in shock.
"You mean.. You don't know?" Her mother asked me.

What's going on? What don't I know? Where could she possibly be? Why would she keep this from me? Where's Sara?! Where's Sara?..

I finally snapped back to reality and realized that they were still waiting for a response. "Know what?" I asked, anxiously.

Her parents stared at me blankly, her father cleared his throat and said, "Sara's on her way to Spain"
"For how long?!" I instantly shot back.

Silence took place, as her parents exchanged a glance of despair.

"For as long as it takes" Her mother replied.

*Meanwhile with Sara*

Oh my God.. I can't believe this. It actually worked! I'm so excited I wish there was someone I could tell this too. Ok Sara, keep it cool.. You don't want anyone to expect anything.. Play it cool.. Own it like you BOUGHT IT, YEAH!
Snap out of it!!

I couldn't help but laugh at how foolish I was being. Suddenly, my laughter was interrupted by the vibration of my phone in my pocket.

"Oh, a text from Jewels! I was wondering what happened to her." I said out loud.
I opened the message and it said,

"Hey Sara! *hugs* I know this is kinda sudden, and I didn't really have time to say goodbye! But I'm currently boarding the plane to Australia!
Sorry I didn't tell you before, I couldn't find the right time or place.. *sigh* I'll miss you so much 7yati! Don't forget to keep in touch.. TC of yourself wayed fahma?

Lots o' love,
- J"

Aww, that's so sweet of Jawaher! I thought of what to reply, as I read through the message again, and again.. And again.
Wait, WHAT?!

Australia? Plane? NOW? Oh crap..

I typed back,

"Australia?.. As in, Gold Coast? Right now?"

Friday, April 30, 2010

If love was applied..

If [Chemistry] could be applied to love, then we can find our "perfect compound"..

If [Physics] could be applied to love, then we'd know why we "fall" in love without being affected by "gravity"..

If [Logic] could be applied to love, then we'd know the "reason" why we "can't" get something we really wanted..

If [Math] could be applied to love, you might finally see that "you" and "I" add up to infinity..

If [Business] could be applied to love, then we'd know why we don't "receive" as much as we "give"..

If [Biology] could be applied to love, I might know why I feel my "heart" might beat out of my "chest" when I'm near you..

If [Art] could be applied to love, then we will learn that even the "simplest" things can be "beautiful"..

If [History] could be applied to love, then we'd learn that we can't "change" what's already "done"..

Written by A&H

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Diary of Sara Belle - Part 20

Yeah yeah, we know we broke our promise :c we're sawrry! Hope you enjoy this post! xoxo A&H ;*

This is it. The sun arose, and reality set in. It's time for me to be on my way.

The ride to the airport was unpleasantly quiet. The silence had been screaming at me, taunting me, reminding me of the disappointment I'd brought upon my parents.

I couldn't bare the silence anymore. I got my purple iPod nano; the one Abdullah had given me for my birthday a while back.

I fidgeted with my iPod as I shuffled through the songs, trying to find the perfect one to calm my nerves, when I noticed something on the back of my iPod. Something was written on it, but it was too small for me to see. I squeezed my eyes closer trying to get a better look, and held back my gasps as I finally read what had been written.


I don't deserve a friend like Abdullah, I argued with myself. I held back my tears as I thought of everything he'd done for me, but went blank as I tried to think of the things I've done for him.. The pain was so intense, it felt numb..

I don't deserve a friend like Abdullah, I argued with myself. I held back my tears as I thought of everything he'd done for me, but drew a blank as I tried to think of the things I've done for him.

And now, he's waiting for me, and I'm gone. Just gone, with no explanation, nothing. I walked all over him and left a deep cut that even time couldn't possibly heal. But how could this be? In hurting him, I've hurt myself..

There was just so much on my head. So much pain, so much confusion. Everything was a blur.. I felt numb..

After a car ride that felt like forever, I found myself sitting all by myself, waiting for my flight to arrive. I stared at the sign that said my flight was due in 2 hours. I browsed through the flights, trying to kill time, something had caught my eye.

Gold Coast, Australia 2 Hours

Abdullah's Perspective

I hopped off of bed with the hugest grin on my face. Sara is finally speaking to me again. Things are finally looking up, just like in the old days.
I took a quick shower, threw on my ripped jeans, a hoodie, and my converse sneakers, and ran out of the house straight to Sara's.

I knocked on their door a couple of times, but got no answer. Again, I knocked, but still no answer. I realized that their family car was missing.
"They must be out" I said aloud.

Should I text her? I asked myself, over and over. After all that's happened, I don't think she'd even reply.
She knows I love her. She may never look at me the same way again..

Was that a mistake?

I shrugged off all thoughts of last night, and decided to call her dad.

"Good morning Mr. Al X" I said, cheerfully.
"Good morning." He said, unsure. "Is everything alright Abdullah? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine sir, I just dropped by and noticed no one was home.." I paused. Should I ask about Sara?
I don't think that's such a good idea.. "So I was just wondering, when will you be home?" I finally spoke.

Sara's father chuckled and responded, "We should be home in about a 15 minutes" For a few seconds there was silence.

"You know, the door's unlocked, feel free to wait inside" He said.

I thanked him then hung up the phone, wondering whether or not it's a good idea to wait inside.

I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob.

This feels.. weird. The house was so empty, so quiet.

I walked up the staircase which seemed like it hadn't been touched in years, and heard the door squeak as I entered Sara's bedroom.

Sara's room reflected her personality in a way.

It was as complex, random, and as unique as she was. I walked further inside, and I could smell her sweet aroma. I sat on the edge of her bed and just stared at the walls, her desks, the chair where she once sat, as I fidgeted with my ring.

I grabbed her pillow and held it close to my face. It had her scent, her sweet, sweet scent.

Snap out of it Abdullah, have some self-respect. I pulled myself out of fantasy and into reality once more, and fidgeted with my ring yet again.

Though my concentration had been broken when I'd dropped my precious ring on the floor. It rolled under Sara's bed. As I leaned forward to pick it up, I saw something...

A book, or perhaps a diary of some sort.

I reached out for the book; it had a red cover, and a golden heart shaped lock.
As I examined the diary, I noticed that it had been left unlocked.

Curious, I flipped over to the last page. Last night's entry.

And read aloud the last line she had written,

"Maybe deep down I really do love him.. Maybe--"
Then followed the ink as it trailed down to the bottom of the page.

I was afraid I'd chased her away, but perhaps I brought her closer. Maybe, just maybe, this could work! Maybe we'll live happily ever after, just me and her.

I left the diary on the edge of her desk and ran down stairs with joy. Just as I'd hopped off the final step on the staircase, Mr. and Mrs. Al X walked in.

Just them.. Sara was no where in sight.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Diary of Sara Belle - Part 19

As promised, here's a long part :* xoxo A&H

Sara's Perspective


"Sara.." 3abood muttered.
I smiled, "Yeah 3abood its me!"

He did not reply..

That's when I realized Abdullah was asleep.

"3abood?" I double-checked.

No answer.

Then he seemed to mutter something in his sleep again.

I listened carefully but could not hear him .. I stood there in silence when he spoke again..

"Sara.." He muttered. "MY Sara.."

End of Flashback

"Love?" I whispered to myself. No.. No, I can't love Abdullah. I can't love anyone right now.
I'm just not ready..

I looked Abdullah in the eyes, who was gazing deeply into mine, waiting for a reaction. I can't do this. Not right now, not with Abdullah.. I couldn't react, I panicked and said, "It's getting late.."
The stars that shone in his eyes faded into pitch black, and I could feel his heart sink. "I really have to go."

Abdullah just sat and stared. "I'm sorry" I said, and struggled to release his hand from mine.

I ran home as fast as I possibly could. I'm just so sick of drama, I'm just so sick of life, I want it to be over as fast as possible.
I burst through my bedroom door, and cried. Just cried. I wept so much my eyes hurt, I started to lose my breath, choking on every sob. I went to the one person I knew I could turn to, if only it was a person. My diary.

Dear Diary,
Please, please forgive me. I know I've been neglecting you, but I've so much to tell you. My life is over, diary, or at least, I want it to be.
I found out that Saeed has been using me for his own personal amusement, and now I've nothing. Nothing, and no one to turn to. To be honest, I don't really know why I'm surprised; Jewels tried to warn me, so did Abdullah. I just didn't listen.. I never listen..

But that's not really what I want to talk to you about. Diary, I'm confused. I trust your judgement and I need your help.
Abdullah just told me he loves me.. I'm not really sure how to react. My mind is telling me to stay away, but my heart is urging me to give it a try.
I just can't afford to get hurt again. I just can't..

Maybe deep down I really do love him.. Maybe--

I was interrupted by my parent's loud knocking on my bedroom door.

"Just a second" I yelled, apparently for no use. My parents barged in despite my need for privacy. "What's going--?" I said but was interrupted by my parents' loud yelling. I could barely make out what they were saying.

"RELAX!" I yelled. There was silence. "What did I do?"

My mother laughed sarcastically. "What did you do?" She asked. "What didn't you do?!!!" She corrected me.
"Take it easy mama!" I tried to calm her down. "Baba shsalfa??" I turned to my father, who would hopefully be more informative than my mother.

Sadly, he was just as vague.

"I seriously don't know what you guys are talking about!!" I complained.

Both my parents finally cooled down long enough for them to explain.

"SOMEONE had deleted a certain voice message from a certain principal." My mother said. "Any idea who that might be?"

Oh crap. I can't bail myself out of this one. I just stood there in silence.

"Look! I can explain".. I couldn't explain.

"Well, then go ahead!" Said my father.

"Vandalizing school property. Skipping class. INJURING a student. Go ahead. Explain that." My mom interrupted.

"That's not what happened!! I would've told you guys but you wouldn't listen!" I complained.

"Oh, stop it with your excuses!" They shut me down.

"This is what I'm talking about!" I protested.

My father stomped out of my bedroom angrily. My mother looked away and sighed in disappointment.

"That settles it." My mother finally spoke after a long agonizing moment. "You're going to grandma's tomorrow"
"But--" I started to protest. "No buts."
"Mama! Grandma lives in SPAIN!" I said, almost crying. But my mother had made her decision, she'd started walking out of my bedroom.

"Start packing!" She demanded as she marched out of the room.

I grabbed my diary, ready to pour my heart out, but I threw it away and kicked it under my bed. Not even my diary can get me out of this mess.

This is it, my day has ended and I had to sleep. "Bed time" as my mother used to call it. Oh, how I dreaded the upcoming morning, for it will determine the rest of my life. What's going to happen to me? What about Abdullah? *Sigh*
But after all that had happened, a good "bed time" is probably all I need. For, my bed time is what wakes me up in the morning, and look forward to every single day. It gives me hope, it gives me dreams.. I wouldn't mind falling into deep, eternal sleep, for my dreams were sweeter than life itself..

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Diary of Sara Belle - Part 18

Hello bloggers :* We apologize for the delay! Y'all don't know how extremely busy we've been. Nevertheless here it is :) Sorry it's a bit short, though we assure you it IS interesting ;) Enjoy! xoxo A&H

Of course..

The bleachers..

"Sara?" I whispered into the darkness, expecting a response.

I looked around, searched every corner. Nothing..
How could this be? I was almost certain..
All hope was lost, I turned around, and took a deep breath. I could hear the soft winds swaying the trees, I could smell the freshly cut grass. But it was getting dark, it was getting cold. I let out a sigh as the beginning of many droplet of rain landed on my cheek and made its way down to my lips.
I shut my eyes, and began to walk away. I caught a glimpse of sudden motion at the corner of my eye. "Sara?" I whispered to myself, yet again.
I heard her soft sobs, I heard her cry, I heard her suffer.

I listened more closely and followed the sound of her silent, beseeching sobs.

"There you are" I said.
She didn't even look up. I knew she couldn't bare to look at me after all that had happened.

"Go Away" she looked up with her make-up ruined, yet she still looked ever so beautiful.
I sat down so I could face her, and pushed away a strand of hair so I could see her beautiful face.
I ran my finger down her cheek and replied, "And leave you all alone?"
She fell silent for a moment and looked away.

"Look at me" I said, gently.

"Please, leave me alone" Finally she replied.
After a moment of silence she added, "I'd die here if I have to"

I leaned in closer and lifted her chin up, "Then we'll die here together"

She looked at me, eyes flooded with tears, but said nothing. She looked so helpless, so fragile, so weak, I couldn't help but hold her. "Hey," I whispered. She smiled as her last tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. I wiped them away and continued, "Till death do us part, remember?" I said, as I grabbed her hand and kissed it tenderly, showing her the ring. She squeezed my hand a little tighter, and leaned in closer.

After a moment of silence that seemed like forever, she finally calmed down long enough to speak. Oh, how I long to hear that beautiful velvet voice of hers.

"You know," She started to say, her voice still breaking off. "Sometimes I feel like I just wanna escape from reality.." She paused for a moment, and looked me in the eyes. "And go somewhere I belong.."

"We all do" was all I could manage to say.
She sighed, and continued, "I had a dream a few days ago" I waited patiently for her to continue. "I was in a place, a place that felt like home" She spoke silently.
"And where is that?" I asked, calmly. "I had a dream I was lying on the shore of Australia, nothing but me and the cool breeze, my worries were far away, and that huge weight that normally lied on my shoulders just.." she paused, searching for the right words, "Vanished" she said.

I gazed at her, silently.

"But it was all just a dream, anyway" She sighed. "It's sad, but true. I belong here" She smiled reassuringly.

I stared at her silently, holding her tighter, for I dreaded the moment where we'd have to say goodbye.

This is it, tonight's the night.

"Sara.." I started to say. She gazed at me angelically. She was so beautiful.. "I.." I stuttered to find the right words.

"I love you"

Contact Information

G'day bloggers! It's A&H here, tryin' out our brand new template ;)!
Leave us a comment below letting us know what you think :D!

The purpose of this post is if anyone has any questions, suggestions, or complaints, y'all can contact us at:


Thank you!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's called 'Copyright' .. Look it up!

Hey guys. No, this isn't a Sara Belle post, and I don't think we'll be posting any time soon.
We just wanted to talk to you about an issue that's really bugged us :)!

There are some people who have been stealing our monologues without permission.

One of the monologues is not yet on the blog. We had sent it through broadcast (blackberry) and we've mentioned that all rights are reserved to A&H.

A friend of ours had received the exact same broadcast from a girl claiming she had written it.
Please people, respect copyright terms :\!

If you guys can't respect that then I guess Blogger is not the place for us :D

In case you're curious,
this is the monologue I was talking about:

Sometimes I feel as though I'm living inside a box of my own apprehension.
My box is wide, but not wide enough.
The more I try, the more I'm starting to see,
My fear of the future is stopping me from reaching my full potential.
My imagination is flexible but I don't trust it.
My senses are urging me though I don't believe in them.
My heart says yes, but my mind says no.

I am living by limitations,
Limitations that haunt my every waking moment.
I am lost in my own world of dread and fear,
A world only I can see quite clearly.
A world far away from reality.
A world of my own imagination.

Who am I?
I am an artist.

All Rights Reserved to A&H.

Have a nice day.