Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's called 'Copyright' .. Look it up!

Hey guys. No, this isn't a Sara Belle post, and I don't think we'll be posting any time soon.
We just wanted to talk to you about an issue that's really bugged us :)!

There are some people who have been stealing our monologues without permission.

One of the monologues is not yet on the blog. We had sent it through broadcast (blackberry) and we've mentioned that all rights are reserved to A&H.

A friend of ours had received the exact same broadcast from a girl claiming she had written it.
Please people, respect copyright terms :\!

If you guys can't respect that then I guess Blogger is not the place for us :D

In case you're curious,
this is the monologue I was talking about:

Sometimes I feel as though I'm living inside a box of my own apprehension.
My box is wide, but not wide enough.
The more I try, the more I'm starting to see,
My fear of the future is stopping me from reaching my full potential.
My imagination is flexible but I don't trust it.
My senses are urging me though I don't believe in them.
My heart says yes, but my mind says no.

I am living by limitations,
Limitations that haunt my every waking moment.
I am lost in my own world of dread and fear,
A world only I can see quite clearly.
A world far away from reality.
A world of my own imagination.

Who am I?
I am an artist.

All Rights Reserved to A&H.

Have a nice day.


  1. waweee<3

    thats just pretty neat work ladies;)

    i think i jsut found my story on one of the sites too =\

    am luvin every bit of every post

    keep them cumin will ya sugaaz;D

  2. i totally understand how u guys r feeling, but, would they steal ur work if u weren't good? NO..

    Plus, why do u care? ur fans know it's ur story.. so 5al eywaloon..

    ne7en malna thanb (a)

    OR u can mke ur blog private and add the ppl u trust only!

  3. i agree with Raindrop, if ur work wasn't something special, no1 would've stolen it ! y3nee ur doing a great job! 9a7 ina it annoys u, and it would've bothered me if i was in ur shoes, bs try 2 take it in a positive way ;)


  4. uff yalla 5al9o examz, we want a new part of Sara Belle !!!!


  5. Omg walla I love you guys <3 You've really made us feel better. You're the best readers ever :*

    ILY <3 And the post will be up ASAP :*


  6. that girl who stole ure monolouge is lifeless she was too jealous so she told ppl it was hers!
    ure doing a great job :D
    and please post sara belle soon :D

  7. WE LOVE U TOO !!
    (cant wait till the LOOONG next prt :D))


  8. ana a7s eneh lo sho tsaween ppl never stop hal 7arakat; lo you go to the extremes a5ershay you will find people that steal your stuff...
    so ana 8arart: I won't give a damn =D
    itha ppl respected my work they woudn't steal it w i'd be grateful; itha they decided to be a bunch of low lives and steal other peoples' work and claim it to be theirs then kaifhom why should i care, it only means that my work is better than anything they can come up with.

    tawni sawait a blog w ba76 feeh poems w g9ayd, ppl galooli dnt cuz they'd get stolen, bs i decided that I just don't care..
